Thursday, November 18, 2010

November: National Adoption Month

for a Sav-a-Life newsletter. . . let's recognize this side of adoption. . .

Let me try and paint a picture of the bravest woman I know. . . She has no specific age, race or marriage status. Her level of education varies. Her situation is more than likely seen as “crisis.” She is pregnant. This may be her first pregnancy- her second- her third . . . She is probably scared. Uncertain. Worried. She may feel very alone and unsupported. Misunderstood, scorned, and cast out. Amidst all that is coming against her, she chooses to believe there are things FOR her. . . a HOPE. A future. She is given the chance to make an unselfish choice. . . an incredible sacrifice. This brave woman is a birth mother; she chooses life for her child and makes an adoption plan. She labors and delivers and LOVES her child just like any other mother. She is not giving up on that child- not giving away that child. . . but giving TO that child. Just as Jesus gives us life, and life ABUNDANTLY, this birth mother is choosing to give more to her child than she can currently give. What courage it takes. . . How humbling it is to recognize her heart. Her strength. Her pain. . . These courageous birth mothers deserve honor, desire support, and need prayers. Let’s join together in thanking God for their choice of life and love, asking Him to provide for their deepest needs and heart’s desires.


Kelly said...

I love your heart! You were so meant for this. I will continue to pray for you and those incredibly brave women :)

Harvey Ever After said...

Beautiful post, Chelle! Love you!