Wednesday, August 06, 2008

so worth it.

I paid $20 for 3 days of internet time.

the connection is shady

but it was worth it. Not that I need facebook- or gmail. or to make a late checking account to credit card transaction (ugh. $39! I definitely NEEDED to do the transfer 2 days ago)

but I want it. The time on the beach is immaculate. I love nannying these kids and being with this family. I think God is putting me on a new schedule- less sleep- more work. Maybe YoungLives camp turned me into an insomiac.

The bottom line is. I can justify the $20. Onto the blog (it got a new screen shot. it was time for an upgrade. I'll add the blog onto my list as another journal to cycle through when I'm writing.)

Life rocks. This was worth the $20

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