Friday, October 08, 2010

safe space

let's just talk about how great blogging is.

1. it's just nice to get it out. I choose to do this in a number of ways. Praying. Journaling. Calling a friend. Sometimes even drawing a picture or writing a note to someone. . . but the blog. there's beauty in the blog- putting it out there in 'space' . . . whether or not somebody reads it, it's just cool that it can be out there.

2. i love the community it builds. I love having insight into the lives and hearts of some friends who aren't close in distance, and maybe haven't even been a 'bestie' in my life- but they are dear friends, with precious hearts, and great insight, and a great life to share. . .

and I love to share in that life. I'm taking the time to realize the importance of being still, and being present in every moment- of wearing LOVE and being LOVE. . .if I'm at the gas station, or starbucks, or at work, holding a baby, holding the hand of a birth mother. . . if I'm Hays home with my family or stuck in traffic on 280. . it's all a moment to allow God to be Sovereign. . . it's all a moment to allow Him to teach and lead me!

people who don't blog miss out. people who don't keep up with blogs miss out. Sure, it's a commitment. . .and it really does go in seasons for me. . . I'd say right now, i prefer it over twitter. and- even over facebook.

i want to share my heart in a safe place.
thank you, blogging buds, for allowing me to do that
and trusting me to read your safe space as well!


Kelly said...

I love it too! I love that we've been in contact more because of it. I love your encouraging comments :) It's just great!

C.R.M. said...

I love you. I need to call you tomorrow with some great news! I want to share it with you before I put it out there on my blog.

I'm glad you're getting some time to internalize things. I'll chew on things with you any time. :) <3

Jan said...

and NOW I'm even more excited to continue blogging! :) I completely agree's more than just typing for people to read something. It's an outlet for me in so many ways! You're fantastic!