Thursday, October 21, 2010

can i get some TRUTH up in here?!

i've had a pretty consistent feeling of wanting to 1. puke and 2. cry today. . .


truly though, to be present in those feelings, to allow God to comfort me in this nervousness, is good- no stuffing. just


Now here is what I know:

I know He is Truth. Light. Love. Peace. . .

I know He has equipped me to do ALL things that He calls me to.

I know He rescues me . . . meets me where I'm at. . . walks beside me and leads me and surrounds me. . . He's SO everywhere. . . which I SO need.

and I know these feelings need to be surrendered. . .

I am not inadequate. I am perfectly capable.

here's the background:

my first birth mother delivers next week.


I wish I could know exactly what to expect to be prepared. I wish I wasn't nervous about walking into a new hospital, I've never seen- parking in the parking deck (24 years with flat parking lots. . . can you blame a girl for being a little anxious about the parking deck?) - I wish I could protect this young woman of any unnecessary words spoken against her heart.

but where is the TRUST in that? Where is abundant life and freedom & knowing Him to work out all things, if I already know how they work out?

I'll leave this blog where it's at- and lay and let Him speak to me in this moment, about all this. . .

and I'll be back to let you know how He was present in every moment- how His PEACE surpassed all understanding and how God uses this to paint a beautiful picture of His love, redemption, restoration, and wholeness.

so until then. . . believe Him for these things, in this moment, for these precious lives intertwining in the Ham. . .

thank you

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love this! You are SO right. If everything is perfect and we know ahead of time what is going to happen...there is no need for need for HIS need for Him!