Saturday, September 25, 2010


i. am. so. many. things. right. now

mostly humbled to be called to such a beautiful place.

it takes my breath away

life. . . . LIFE. that's my word of the month.

every LIFE has such a STORY to share and in that story- SO. MUCH.

what gets me most are the hurt and hard places - - -

which leave so much room for His GRACE and MERCY and LOVE. . . for HEALING

our SAVIOR. saving these LIVES

showing His GLORY - leading me to LOVE. to walk beside people and go places with them I've never been. to take down some walls and guards and be vulnerable. to not fear being alone but walking in the confidence that I am NEVER alone. . .

that sometimes, when I tried to "safe guard" my life, i was pushing away community
& other good things the Lord had for me. . .

sometimes, the very things we do to protect us from getting 'hurt', hurt us . . .

but our God is a God of redemption and restoration and forgiveness and love.

He called TWELVE disciples, not ONE. I am not content anymore just being content. . . I know every single day He has something NEW and GREAT for me. . .

I'm embracing that. running to that. living in that.

loving. HIM <3 loving THIS > > >



Kelsi said...

You seem so happy! God is doing great things in your life and great things through you in this world!

Stacy Rogers said...

Thanks for writing. I love to see what is going on in your life. Contentment. Such a place in life. We've been talking about that one a lot around here. We never want to be "content" and complacent in life, but always moving, doing, and going after what God is calling us to. There is peace in the knowing that the unknown is His and so beautiful.
Love you and so happy for you and your LIFE. love it.

Harvey Ever After said...

I love reading your blog Chelle! Love you!

Jan said...

I like reading blogs more than tweets. Yours is great! :) Glad you're so happy!

Kristina Brown said...

you are a great writer! thanks for sharing!