Monday, August 18, 2008

hot granny

I was at McDonalds today for FOUR hours with the nannying kids (thank you, McDonalds play place- for video games and the indestructable tree house.) These kids are monkeys-

I love how laid back their mom is and hope I can let go a little and let my kids be kids. "They can slide down the banister but not walk on it- no going on the roof when you're here, they can wait until we get back. Oh and no climbing the trees past the first branches-" I laughed, "haha, they don't really climb on the roof?"

I was answered by the sound of tiny, clomping footsteps on the roof. "tell the kids this is their last time until we get back!"

wow. but even more hysterical was the child at McDonalds today, who, after his grandma went to get a coke walked over to me shyly and said, "I just wanted you to know I am a reporter"

This is what he showed me:

it says: reporter gets kissed by a girl. hot girl. by Collin

I hope Collin's grandma doesn't find this blog. or his mom or any extended family. I waited until his grandma left again and asked him if I could see 'his story'. I couldn't resist. I needed evidence.

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